Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Day September

After the week I endured my mom thought it would be a good idea to kidnap me for the weekend. The plan was to wake up Saturday morning, head over to the animal shelter to pick up our new furry friend, and then head off to Dalton with mi madre and my brother's lady friend Kerry. However, after locking myself out of my house AND my car, waiting 2 hours for roadside to come, missing the animal shelter closing time by 5 minutes, and almost running out of gas we settled for pedis, dinner at PF Changs, cheesecake, and a night of cards at the Holiday Inn. And it was exactly what I needed....

So here is my first day September and a little of my second.

Linking up with Nic and some other fabulous ladies at Journey To Josie.

on the front porch...where I sat...FOREVER waiting for roadside




(largest target clearance section I've ever seen...can you say heaven???)