Monday, September 12, 2011

What We Learned

Since we started school a couple weeks ago I've been wanting to figure out a way to keep up with the lessons and activities we do each week. The easiest thing I can think of is to just post them here and that way you guys can see and take from it what you would like as well. Two stone...because I'm good like that :) So each week on Monday I will be posting a What We Learned from the former week. Here is what we learned last week:

 We reviewed letters A-O and learned how do pattern animals with blocks

 We reviewed colors and patterns and helped sister learn her colors

 We learned about scrolls and that they are what people use to write scripture from the Bible on and that they stored them in pots. Then we made our own pot.

 We did our first two lessons from "Drawing With Children" and I was shocked to see that he can draw almost as good as me :)

 Our science was Close To The Ground and for our extra we studied ants.

 We learned they live in colonies mostly underground and then painted our own thumb print ant colony

What did YOU learn this week??? :)


~Nanny~ said...

Awesome! I'm so proud of you and Luke!