Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Forget Me Not

Last week in school Luke was studying trees. What is a tree, what are leaves, how does it get it's food, what do the rings mean, what is bark, and last we did our own family tree. Simple activity that I knew he would enjoy and didn't think much about. Until we got to the father's side and he wrote Scott's name. I asked him if he was sure that he wanted to use Scott and his answer was "Why not? He is my daddy"

I'm not going to lie, this hurt me probably more than it should have. I sat there battling with whether or not I should correct him and bring up Andrew or just let it go. I mean it has been less than two years and that simple gesture confirmed what I had feared would happen this whole time.

Luke is already forgetting.

I have done everything I can. Kept pictures up. talked about him, tried to keep the thought of him alive as long as possible but the truth is Scott is his dad now and as much as it hurts I myself need to start accepting it. It's just so hard thinking about how much he loved his daddy and to know that eventually the relationship they had will just be a memory. And that eventually when asked who his father is he will reply with out a doubt that his daddy is the one he still gets to see every day.

What am I suppose to do? I know in order for him to heal that he needs to move on but I am just scared with him being so young that he will forget all together and I don't think I could handle that. As a mother I don't want to continually reopen a wound in my child for someone who isn't here anymore but how can I let a bond that was sooo strong disappear in front of my eyes?

I am so lost and don't know what to do......