Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hey There.....

Remember me???? The girl who hasn't posted in...ummmmmm...well who's keeping count anyways. I hadn't noticed how long it has actually been until I saw where I landed on this lady's side bar. The truth is I have been buried under boxes, packing tape, and cleaning supplies for the past month.

Rewind to the beginning of April when Scott and I were looking for homes to purchase. We finally found one that we both loved. We got about a week into the process to find out that the house actually had been purchased at an auction a couple weeks before. After that we decided it wasn't meant to be and that we would just stay put for the time being. Fast forward to about two months ago when I was leaving Amber's house( did I mention the dream house was in the same neighborhood :)) and I happen to see that whoever bought it had flipped it and was renting it out. Bad thing was they wanted a small fortune for it so we decided not proceed. It wasn't until a couple weeks after that that I called when I noticed it was still empty and the realtor had dropped the amount to the exact price we were looking to pay. 

Now we are living in our dream home and not having to pay for any of the upgrades :). Here is the part where that same lady from above would say see, it pays to wait for a bargain! I have a couple rooms set up but for the most part it looks like a hurricane has swept through and left a trail of boxes in it's path. So for now I will leave you with this :)

*Update* Post now has a picture. Forgive me for the temporary brain fart :)*


Anonymous said...

Dream house is goregous!!!! I can't wait to see more.