Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Broken Places

This week started off like every other....promises of a new week, a busy schedule, and the excitement of being a little closer to sharing a secret, that looking back now I am glad we kept to our self, only for it to fall apart before it even began.

Scott and I were 7 weeks pregnant, expecting our third child but like too many of the other pregnancies it ended with nothing but an empty womb and heavy heart.

Before we had Matalie we went through this a few times and the doctors wanted to bring us in for genetic testing. After being able to carry her full term we thought everything was ok but the outcome of this weeks doctors visit is putting us back in the same boat and claiming our little lady's existence is nothing short of a miracle.

At the moment we are just taking time to let our hearts heal before we decide the next step we want to take. I wish I could say enduring this time and time again has made it easier but I would be lying. This week has left me broken and your prayers for our family are greatly appreciated.


Elizabeth said...

Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. I, somewhat feeling the exact pain. Sending a hug your way. :(