Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's A Brother-Sister Kinda Thing

I think every girl at some point in her life has that one friend who is a boy that she feels especially close too, can always count on, and play with for hours on end with out having to worry about your girly attitudes conflicting because he's...well...boy. Mine growing up was Jordan. Unfortunately I did move to Georgia at a young age so we did lose touch, but I have very few childhood memories that don't involve him. And no matter how many times both of our parents made the comment that it would be sooo sweet if we were to grow up and get married, our relationship was always more of that of a sibling.

Wednesday I packed up both of my munchkins and headed over to watch the Pope kiddos. While I sat there and watched Josie and Luke play I couldn't help but get that same feel from them. They have been friends pretty much since day one, and no matter how many times they fight, disagree, or just plain out don't get along, they are always just as close if not closer in the end. And its days like those that I know they will be forever friends


Nicole said...

Love it!

Especially that Josie is wearing 4 different outfits and you were only there for 5 hours!