Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lets Go A Pickin'

Monday Nic texted me and asked if me and the little lady would like to tag along with her and her crew to the strawberry patch. Since everybody in my family LOVES strawberries (well except for Luke, he decided recently he doesn't like them because they have "hair" on them) I figured the adventure would be well worth it. Matalie wasn't quite sure what we were doing out there but as soon as she saw Josie pull her first strawberry she was off and going to town! We went to Cottle Farms off of Ellis Road in Fayetteville and I would recommend them to anyone looking to pick their own berries. It was eleven bucks for the bucket and the girls had a blast!

                           (I swear my child does love me)


Kameron said...

I'm slightly jealous that you guys are in shorts weather already!! I can't wait to go berry picking!