Monday, June 27, 2011

Big Things A Brewin'

First and foremost, if you have not checked out the new Mattie Fran Designs you can do so here. I am in the process of trying to take this from a hobby to a business, which is proving to be quite interesting, but I have had a wonderful support team behind me so it has been fun :) Like an old friend of mine from high school, Kelsey Nichols. She is an amazing photographer who just launched her new website, that you can find here, and was sweet enough to feature Mattie Fran Designs in her mini shoots. Pictures should be up soon and from what I've seen they are oober cute! To Nicole who loves me enough to be completely honest when asked what she thought about the website, which led to many changes :) And finally a friend, who has always been more of a big sister, Kristen, and Andrea, who was crazy enough to set off in this adventure with me. Thanks to them Mattie Fran Designs will be hosting it's first party! It is something I have been pondering on for a while but wasn't sure if people would be interested in, so when Kristen mentioned wanting to host one with all of her church friends that was all I needed to get pushed into gear. Well that and the overly enthusiastic Andrea Harris who was all but planning the whole thing herself before I could finish telling her about it :) I am so excited to be stepping in to this new chapter in my life and I can't wait to see where it will take me!


Anonymous said...

Amy, that is so awesome! I am so proud of you for all you have accomplished this year so far! you've dealt with loss, tragedy, and picked your sexy butt up and have created a business and a happy home. xoxoxo
