Monday, August 22, 2011

A Gift

The World's definition of Down's Syndrome:

A common chromosome disorder due to an extra chromosome number 21 (trisomy 21). Down Syndrome causes mental retardation, a characteristic face, and multiple malformations. Down syndrome is a relatively common birth defect. The chromosome abnormality affects both the physical and intellectual development of the individual.

My definition of Down's Syndrome:

 A child who you can't help but fall in love with at first sight

A baby whose pure beauty and innocence captivates your heart

A little girl that you can't help describe as absolutely stunning even if the world says she's "different"

 A child who knits a family together so perfectly that you know it was meant to be

A baby who brings unspeakable joy to everyone they meet

A little piece of Heaven here on Earth

A little girl who melts your heart with one smile


A beautiful and perfect gift from God


Elizabeth said...

Oh she's so precious. So beautifully said, Amy. <3