Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grass Fairy

On his way out the door to cut the grass the other night my husband asked if I wanted to join him.

The look on his face was priceless when I said- sure why not.

I was convinced he was two beats away from having a heart attack.

As you can see he was enjoying himself so much watching me that he felt the need to bust the camera out.

And as I was hoping that seeing me all dirty and sweaty would be enough for him to never ask me to do outside manual labor again, the look on his face said other wise.

I'm pretty sure that I have landed me a new household chore being the grass cutter.


At least we can come up with a better name.....Grass Fairy???

How about Lawn Goddess??? yep, I think that will do :)


Anonymous said...

Go with Lawn Goddess, it has a special kind of ring to it. My husband would have a stroke if I ever cut the grass LOL. I've always told him if it's indoors it's my job and if it's outdoors it's his!!!

Nicole said...

How about Chigger Queen?!?!

Alicia Polk said...

Chiggers AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Sexy hat by the way...