Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Bit Much

You all know who this handsome stud is

He is the little boy who gets sent home with this everyday

 As if eight hours of school wasn't enough for a six year old already lets add another hour of homework on too.
And when you add the two together

It equals one very sad little boy

And who could blame him???
A boy his age should be outside playing, exploring, and taking time to learn things that are of interest to him like how many different kind of snakes live in Georgia.
(Yes, he really did ask this question the other day and was rather upset when I didn't have the answer)

But how can you do that when you wake up at 6:30, get ready, eat breakfast, go to school until 2:30, come home, get a snack, sit down and do an hour of homework, eat dinner, take a bath, read a book, and by that time its 7:30 and we have to get ready for bed so we can get up and do it all again the next day. I know it's something every child has to go through but it breaks my heart seeing him so confined with his weekly schedule that he doesn't have time to just be Luke. That is why, after much debating, researching, and a whole lot of praying I have decided that starting next year I am going to home school him. I am still juggling between two curriculums, but as of right now I am leaning more towards My Father's World which is a christian based program. To say that Luke is excited would be an understatement. It is going to be challenging at first, especially with Matalie at home as well, but in the long run I know it is going to be so much better for him. So if any of you have homeschooling advice, or are in the process of homeschooling your own children, I am all ears and open to any suggestions. Cause Lord knows this momma could use all the help she can get!


Amber said...

Yeah...don't even get me started! ; )