Saturday, January 22, 2011

I want to share a little something with you that was spoken into me not too long ago by an amazing woman of God who I hold very near to my heart. Ever since the conversation took place it has been heavy on my spirit and calls forth excellence from me and I hope that you can take something from it as well.

We are all called to praise and worship God. No matter who you are, big or small, old or young, singer or not God demands our praise.That's what we were created for anyways was to worship Him and declare His holiness. Many people misinterpret the whole concept into thinking that God needs our praises when actually He doesn't. He can call forth praises from a rock if He has to but that is not the way it was intended to be. But lets face it, there are just some days that we don't feel like worshiping, or praying, or just taking a moment to tell God thank you for everything that He has done. I know I am guilty of it, because the truth is life can get very hectic sometimes and by the end of the week you are just plain wore out. So here you come walking in on Sunday morning, dragging tail, and not in the least bit spiritually prepared to enter His presence. So we ride in on the coat tails of the people who have set the way, and by the end of the service we feel great. But come Monday we have lost it already.

This hits a little closer to home for me because I am involved with the worship team at my church. And I am ashamed to admit that there are many Sundays that I have walked into the sanctuary feeling as far away from God as it gets. Until I came up under the leaders I have now I didn't see a problem with it. I knew by halfway through the practice or at least before first service I would be good to go. But as a worshiper that is not what I was called to do. I am called to prepare the way for Bishop. Just like in the Bible when the kings sent the worshipers out in front of the army and by the time they got there the battle had been won. Whether you realize it or not, there is a spiritual battle going on around you. There is a battle going on for your community, for your schools, for your family, and for your children. So when you bring forth your praise and worship you are setting the way for the people behind you. By the time our worship team steps off the alter there should be no hindrances for our Bishop. In order to achieve this we have to have a true, authentic heart of worship.

We also need to make sure that we don't look down on others around us for their form of worship. Because the fact of the matter is there is no right or wrong way. As long as you are worshiping the One and Only that is all that matters. So to all my crazy people out there who are jumping and shouting along with me, don't be so quick to judge the ones standing in place lifting their hands. And to all you humble ones, don't be so quick to count us all crazy because you don't know what either person had to go through just to get to the place of worship that they are in now.

I challenge you to ask yourself, "which one am I"? Are you the one who is preparing the way for people behind you, or are you the one who is riding on everyone elses spiritual high?