Monday, January 24, 2011

Too Soon???

Scott and I have been going back and forth the past couple of months about when would be a good time to potty train Matalie. With Luke I didn't start until he was three and it was a breeze. She will be two in March, which I think is a little too young, but they say girls are easier than boys when it comes to these things and she has been telling us when she has gone in her diaper. So we decided to just go ahead and give it a try and see what happened.

First I tried putting her on the big potty.

Needless to say, she was not impressed.

So I went out and bought the Mac Daddy of all potty chairs.

3-in-one, potty seat, stool, and cushion for big potty when she was ready. At first she loved it. Loved sitting on it, putting her babies on it, and mostly just getting to run around with out a diaper on. But when it came to actually using it for what it's meant for, not so much.

So I figured we were pushing her too hard and she just wasn't ready. That was until the other day when I hadn't heard from her in a while so I went to her room to check on her and found her sitting on her potty pooping.... with a diaper still on. Since then she has done the same thing two more times, but when I try to get her to do it the right way she still freaks.

So where do I go from here? Do I keep trying to push her or just let her be? And if we do decide to wait do I put the potty up so she doesn't get in the habit of using it the way she is or just let her figure it out on her own? Help!


Elizabeth said...

LOL. Probably not the comment or answer you're looking for, but these pictures are hilarious! lol. Hope you're able to find what you're looking for! :(