Monday, July 18, 2011

Consider Yourself Warned

Disclaimer: The following pictures were meant to document Lily Harris' newborn stage. The side effects include, but are not limited to, giddiness from over exposure to pure cuteness, extreme jealously over her cute little features and petite self (especially if your baby was like mine and came out the size of a 6 month old), sudden hot-flashes and the need to jump your spouse in hopes of creating something similar, the uncontrollable urge to say awwwww after every picture, and just straight up baby fever.

Like I said....consider yourself warned.


Sarah Goddard said...

haha I love your wording at the stop LOL!!!! Great job Ames these are great and she is such a beautiful baby girl!!!

Heather said...

Beautiful... speaking of beautiful, your picture up there looks great... looks like you reached that goal!!! Miss you! :)