Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eight For Eight

Ever feel like your life is super crazy but yet when you sit down and think about what you actually do you find that you are stuck in the same routine that you do every day?

That's where I am right now.

 It's not that I am unhappy with my life  it's just that after doing the same thing day in and day out you forget the joy that simple occasions can bring. Like ridding in the car with the windows down.

 Pretty simple huh???

But that is what brought forth this feeling that there has got to be more to this 24/7 stay-at-home mom, wife, cleaner, cooker, laundry washer, bill payer job that I got going on.

So....I came up with a little list. No it's not one of those I want to sky dive, travel the world, and swim with sharks kind of lists. It's a list of things that as a mom I have forgotten about, pushed to the side, or just plain out haven't had time for. A list of those simple pleasures I mentioned earlier that may seem silly to want to accomplish but when you do it makes you appreciate the little things around you.

Since today I am exactly eight weeks away from my birthday I decided to do a list of eight things that I want to do before then. I also put the list on my pages so if you would like to tag along on this little journey you can :)

Eight For Eight

  1. See a sunrise.
  2. Pay for someone's meal in a drive thru.
  3. Write a letter for each of my children telling them how much they mean to me.
  4. Take a spontaneous day trip with my little family.
  5. Have a picnic at the park.
  6. Do a cook out and baseball game with our friends.
  7. Camp outside with Luke for the night.
  8. Have a pj's and movie day with my girlfriends. 


Nicole said...

Ohh, I love your list! Especially since I get to help cross a few out!

Who knows, maybe I'll even get you a real present this year!

Anonymous said...

Please include moi in numbers 6 and 8. I miss your smile and dislike we don't hang out often...Love, ALicia