Wednesday, March 9, 2011


My cousins, Josh and Sarah, and their little boy Logan are visiting for the week. Luke doesn't get to see his cousins very often so he was super excited when he found out they were visiting. Although I'm not sure if it was that or the fact I told him he could stay out of school that made him happy. Of course being the fun parents we are, we spent all night Monday looking for things to keep the kids entertained while they are visiting. And what would a visit to the ATL be with out a trip to the aquarium????

We took Matalie to the aquarium last year but she was still too little.
It was fun to watch the excitement on her face when we got to each tank, especially the otters!

On a side note- there will be no WIWW this week because I spent all week pouting over my new hair cut instead of taking pictures. I am happy to report that it has grown on me, not literally, and I will be joining in on the fun again this week :)


Anonymous said...

I am curious to see this new hair cut you don't like. Could you send me a pic? You are so freakin cute i can't imagine it's THAT bad.
