Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mean People

You always hear about people getting their computers hacked, stolen credit card numbers, and identity theft but it's one of those things were you say- that would never happen to me.

 I stand corrected.

 Friday night while on the internet my computer completely froze up with message that said I had spyware and my computer is infected. I can't access my firewall, my control panel, or any of my documents, and I am ticked. I don't understand what joy people get from hacking into someone elses computer and taking what doesn't belong to them. Grrrrrr. Needless to say I am with out a computer until we can come up with the bazillion dollars it cost to fix it.

Ok, I might be exaggerating a little, but something about paying for someone else mistakes just peeves me. Good news is, I got lots of scheduled posts for you guys so you don't have to worry about not having your "morning reading material" as Nicole calls it. Hope y'alls weekend was better than mine!


Elizabeth said...

I don't understand it either. It's like they have NO conscience at all. ugh. Hate to hear this happened to you. :(

Kayla said...

Oh no! Someone stole our bank account information last summer and put us at -$500 the week of our anniversary... and earlier this week someone hacked my google account and sent an email virus to all of my contacts!

Technology hackers suck! Sorry about your computer. :(

Anonymous said...

hey girl- Brandon can fix most computers... not lap tops though- he might could help ya'll out. He's worked on Ambers recently. Let me know... worth a shot!