Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy / Sad

I am having a hard time putting this past week into words. 
So instead of doing hi/low I'm switching it up a little and doing happy/sad.

Happy: Sweet Sleeping Babies

Sad: When those so called babies won't sleep at night

Happy: Left overs from PF Changs

Sad: Having to wait an hour to be seated at a resteraunt 

Sad: Breaking my phone which is an extension of my hand and my life line

Happy: T-Mobiles fast shipping and the package that held my new one today

Happy: Clean laundry

Sad: Folding laundry

Sad: Still having thunder thighs when I'm only 3 pounds away from my goal weight

Happy: ^^^ Those thunder thighs and kankles

Sad: Scott having to work so much

Happy: The time that we do get to spend together

Sad: Matalie changing into a little girl and not looking so much like a baby 

Happy: Seeing my baby loving on her baby

Happy: Watching my kids play on my parents swing set I played on as a kid

Sad: Realizing that just like me, they too will some day grow up and leave home

Happy: Watching my kids grow and knowing that their futures are bright and promising

Sad: Loving and pouring into this vvv little guy knowing that I have no say in what tomorrow brings for him


Nicole said...

Boo hoo!!! He's grown already since Friday!!! :((

Anonymous said...

Shelby dropped and shattered her Ipod the other day...we know how you feel :(
Amy King