Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi / Low

This past week was pretty uneventful. There were few days I got out of my pj's and besides going to church on Wednesday and praise team practice Thursday I did not leave the house. However, there were still those crappy days and also a couple of praises.


The kids and I were hit with the flu this week. Luke got the stomach bug and Matalie and I got the head cold. That was a big reason why we were home most of the week. The other reason is because Scott was having to drive my car to work...again. The tag was up on January 31 so he has been trying to get the emissions done and every time he takes it the truck fails. They told him the first time that the fume levels were too high and to do a fuel line clean out(whatever that means) and to bring it back. Him being the mechanic, did what they said and the points went down but not enough to pass. Scott finally figured out that the problem was the valve that controlled the chemical release and it was going to be a good bit of money to fix it. So we were back in the same boat we were in a month ago.


I want to take a second to say how AMAZING my God is. He is so on time with everything that He does, and He always provides. Wednesday night Scott got pulled over on his way home from church. He called me freaking out because we honestly did not want to dish out 250 for an expired tag ticket. Immediately I asked God to intervene. Scott called me back not even ten minutes later and said he let him off with a warning for not changing his address on his license. Thank you Jesus! And not only did we not get a ticket but the next day we got a random check in the mail from his previous employer saying they took too much out of his 401k. The amount was what we needed to fix Scott's truck and then some. See, I told you my God is good :)

If you feel like sharing your hi/low you can link up below with your blog or feel free to leave it in the comments! Hope everyone has a fantabulous week!


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of living in a county that does not have emissions! So glad everything worked out!!