Friday, February 18, 2011

So Stinking Excited!!!!!!!!

I have been up to my elbows this week in fabric and hot glue but in the end it has all paid off because.......we are now in business!!!!!! Yep, Mattie Fran Designs is up and running and you can check out all the available necklaces and make your purchases here. A big thank you to my sister-wives- Amber for cutting out a bijillion circles in fabric and Nicole for helping with the blog. Y'all are the best! I am so excited to be doing something I enjoy so much and I hope you guys love them as much as I do. So head on over and let me know what you think!


Amber said...

So proud of you!!!! I wish you all the best of luck and I have no problem being a tester! ; )

Anonymous said...

I can work on some free advertisement if you want to hand over some product :) Good luck with it Amy!!