Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ten For Tuesday

1. The past couple of weeks I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off but when I try to put into words what I have actually done I can't think of anything which bugs the poo out of me.

2. We have another caffeine addict in the house. Matalie got ahold of Scott's coffee mug the other day and to say that she liked it would be an understatement. Although, she was very mellow the rest of the day so I am considering starting her off each day with a cup :)

3. I am soooooo ready for a vacation. Somewhere I can lay out on the sand, and hear the waves crashing at my feet, while my children build sandcastles nice and quietly all day long. 

4. We are having some problems with Luke again lately. Right now we are dealing with a spirit of fear that is on him and we need all the prayers we can get for our little man and our family.

5. I need it to warm up about five more degrees so I can put a swim suit on and get rid of this pasty version of myself. I look like the walking dead.

6. I think it's safe to say that we have hit the terrible twos with Matalie. She's either into something, on something, completely ignoring me on purpose or telling me no. And her newest thing, putting her finger to her lips and telling me to shush when I get onto her. I honestly have no idea what I am going to do with her. Since Amber is accepting more children I'm thinking about just sending her over there and getting her back when she's 20-ish.

7, That being said, I can't believe my baby girl will be TWO in a couple of weeks. Seriously, where has the time gone???? It feels like we waited for her for forever and since she's been here it's just been a blur.

8. My house looks like a crafting war zone. Between all the necklaces I've been making for Mattie Fran Designs and all the things I have been putting together for Matalie's Sweetheart Party you can't see my counters. Not to mention that I have been busy getting all these things done that I have not been able to do my regular cleaning on top of that. Those who know me know that I am some what anal about how my house looks and it is always at the least picked up. I went to bed the other night with it a complete mess and honestly for the first time didn't care. I told Scott- So this is what the house would look like if I had a job- because as we all know I am the only one that knows how to put dishes in the dishwasher or a dirty sock in the laundry basket.

9. Have I mentioned that I NEED a vacation???????

10. The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous the past week. It's been in the high 60's low 70's with lots of sunshine. If I could find somewhere that had this weather all year round I would be there in a heart beat. The past couple of days have done wonders for my soul because after being cooped up in the house all last week it was nice to let the kids run free outside.

You see that nasty face up ^ there????????????
That's the look I get 99.9% of the time


Anonymous said...

I need a vacation too! Glad it has been a bit warmer for you. At least getting out of the house does help some. Hope you have a good week. Sending love and prayers your way for your little man.

VintageNSoul said...

Hello- I am one of your newest followers and I just love your blog. i think I am also going to join WIWW. :-) I wish it was Spring here... We're supposed to get 3 more snow storms next week- talk about needing a vacay! And I thought my monsters were the only ones who stole my coffee- glad you feel my pain. hehehe I'll be stopping by again.