Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

I decided that I would join the fun with the Pleated Poppy and start participating in what I wore Wednesday. It is a good way to help you get out of your pj's everyday, especially when you are a stay at home mom and don't have the need to. I have to admit though that I started on Thursday and then got hit with the plague Monday and Tuesday so this week will be a little slack. Believe me, you do NOT want to know what I've looked like the past couple of days. I am going with Nicole and calling this the week of the jean jacket.

Running errands and praise team practice
Jacket- Target
Shirt- Kohl's
Jeans- Marshalls
Boots- Walmart
(I have decided that I hate my hair in a pony tail. I look like a man :/)

Hot date with my Hunny
Jean Jacket- Target
Shirt- Old Navy
Skirt- Old Navy
Necklace- Cato's

Saturday Day
Shopping with Scott
Jean Jacket- Target
Scarf- Old Navy
Black Dress- Old Navy
Glasses- Francesca's
(I look like death warmed over but in my defense I did not know we were staying over night so i had no makeup, no shampoo, no brush. I was pretty scary)

Saturday Night
Girls night with the ladies
Jean Jacket- (do I really need to tell you??)
Tank- Old Navy
Shirt- Banana Republic
Jeans- Kohl's
Boots- Francesca's
Necklace- Charlotte Russe

And I just realized I didn't take a picture for Sunday either. Oh well, here's to doing better next week!


Anonymous said...

Cute, great jacket!! ;o)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the jacket...and the way you are wearing it over a longer shirt! I want to try that! Very cute! ♥

Object of Maya*ffection said...

I ♥ Jean Jackets! Great looks!

Anonymous said...

you are to sinkin' cute!

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

Very cute! I have a jean jacket and needed some ideas on how to wear it different ways!

Molly @ View From a Saddle said...

That bathtub is Awesome!! I may have to have one like that in my house when I build it. :)

I need to go get me a jean jacket! I have been looking for one that I like and I can never find one. Too light or too many pockets on the front. I just haven't met the perfect one yet!

Thanks for the comment and my little side note! :)
I love my header too! hehe

Ally's Corner said...

Love your girls night out outfit, so cute!!!